The project ELiPSe (E-Band Link Platform and Test for Satellite Communication) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) on the basis of a resolution of the German Fedaral Parliament.
Following the successful completion of the two predecessor projects, GISALI and ACcESS, broadband transmitters/receivers with very high output power and low noise figure are now available in a space-qualified technology (IAF 50nm mHEMT technology). In the course of the projects, they have already been used in several field tests for wireless communications with very high data rates. This means that the transmission of 6 Gbit/s over a distance of 37 km has been achieved (Press release). In the follow-up project ELiPSe, in addition to the design and implementation of a duplex-capable transceiver architecture for down- and uplink (71-76 GHz resp. 81-86 GHz), the demonstration of a high-bit-rate data downlink from an aircraft-supported carrier platform to the ground station with tracking system at sea level is aimed at. Further work includes synchronous reception and real-time user data transmission.
In addition to the University of Stuttgart, the research institutions Fraunhofer IAF and KIT, the industrial partner Radiometer Physics GmbH are involved in this project.
Funding is being promoted by the Satellite Communications Department of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
Ingmar Kallfass
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Institute Director