Institute Seminars

Institut für Robuste Leistungshalbleitersysteme

Please find the list of planned seminars at ILH and respective presentation titles.

2019 + 2020

BA=Bachelor Thesis; MT = Master Thesis; RT = Research Thesis; ST = Seminar Talk

Date Title Type Presenter Time



Entwurf und Implementierung eines Prüfstandes für breitbandige Stromsensoren

BA Nikolai Braun 11:30 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06
Measurement of high-frequency indcutor currents
BA Mengze Lu 11:00 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06
Modellierung von Die-Attach Verbindungsschichten von Leistungsmodulen mittels Neuronale Netzwerke
BA Valentyna Afanasenko 12:30 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06
Aktive Lastwechseltests während des getakteten Betriebs von Leistungshalbleitern
FA Yanwei Chen 13:00 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06
Gatetreiber-Design für Siliciumcarbid-Brückenschaltungen
BA Oliver Wölz 12:15 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06
23.01.2019 MA Dominik Koch 11:30 Raum: Hörsaal 47.06

MT = Master Thesis; RT = Research Thesis; ST = Seminar Talk

Date Title Type Presenter Time Location
04.12.2018 FA/BA Aleksey Dyskin 15:00 Raum Nr. 1.160
Entwicklung einer Methodik zum Vergleich von Leistungshalbleitergehäusen
MA Philipp Mammel 12:15 47.06
Evaluation of the ASM-HEMT compact model for power GaN transistors
MA Tailang Xie 11:30 Seminarraum ILH
14.09.2018 MT Michael Basler 12:45 H 47.06
Very Fast Short Circuit Protection for GaN Power Transistors Based on PCB Integrated Current Sensor
ST Javier Acuña 15:15 Seminar Room ILH
Calorimetric test bench for highly integrated power modules
MT Dominik Koch 10:00 H 47.06
Design of a 77 GHz silicon-based narrowband low noise amplifier
MT Zhang Yang 13:00 H 47.06
Design of a 5 GHz PLL in SiGe BiCMOS Technology
MT Deepak C Singh 12:30 H 47.06
Design of a 77 GHz silicon-based high linear low noise amplifier
MT Man Mei 13:00 H 47.06
Automotive Radar Chipsets
ST Dr.Chartier 16:00 H 47.06
17.07.2018 ST Muhammad Alshahed 11:30 H 47.06
08.05.2018 Evaluation of the Angelov transistor model for wide bandgap power transistors modeling MA Aleksei Kruglov 11:30 H 47.06
10.04.2018   Active Frequency Multipliers for Future Terahertz Communication MT Christian Boy 11:30  H 47.06
10.04.2018  Comparison of Active Mixers at Terahertz Frequencies RT Serafin Fischer 12:15  H 47.06
10.04.2018  Design of a Balanced Passive Mixer at Terahertz Frequencies MT Raphael Nägele 13:00  H 47.06
 17.04.2018  Design of a SiGe based Linear LNA in E-band MA Man Mei 12:15  H 47.06
 17.04.2018  Design of a SiGe based narrow band LNA in E-band  MA Zhang Yang 13:00  H 47.06
 24.04.2018 Methods for Paramter-controlled short circuit detection of power semiconductors  MT Sören Quass 11:30  H 47.06
24.04.2018  Real-time measurement of junction temperature of IGBts using temperature sensitive parameters ST Kevin Muñoz Barón 12:15  H 47.06 
24.04.2018 Design of millimeter-wave transceivers for biomedical applications MT Vincent Lammert 13:00 H 47.06
08.05.2018 Optimization of high-current capable 48 V power electronics by analysis and application of improved integration and substrate technologies RT Hannes Bantle 12:15 H 47.06
08.05.2018 Characterization of Ultra-fast switching Wide-Bandgap semiconductors RT Dominik Koch 13:00 H 47.06



Institute of Robust Power Semi­conductor Systems

Pfaffenwaldring 47, Stuttgart

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