Project Description
ARCHIMEDES - a KDT Joint Undertaking co-funded project for Trusted Lifetime in Operation for a Circular Economy. In ARCHIMEDES, components, models, and methodologies to increase the efficiency and lifetime of the propulsion components, power components, and energy storage devices in automotive, aviation, and industry will be developed. ARCHIMEDES will help build trust in the new technologies and thus contribute to accelerating the energy transition, safety, and security
Project Period
01.05.2023 - 30.04.2026
ILH Project Description
In this project, the service life of the electronic components important for the increasing electrification of automobile traffic is to be investigated. Especially in the high-voltage part of the inverters, traction inverters based on SiC transistors play an outstanding role. However, there is only limited knowledge about the long-term use of these components for designing the entire system for a long service life of 20 years or more. At present, the service life is determined with the aid of classic service life models. These were developed for assembly and interconnection technologies based on silicon IGBTs and cannot be transferred unadapted to SiC MOSFETs. Therefore, current models can only be used to a limited extent to determine the lifetime of modern power semiconductors. In this project, an application-oriented accelerated lifetime test bench is to be put into operation. With the help of acquisition circuits of the accelerated lifetime test, a state-of-health monitoring will be performed during operation and linked to a degradation model to accurately predict the lifetime of individual components.

Ruben Schnitzler
M.Sc.Research Assistant

Dominik Koch
M.Sc.Group Leader Power Electronics / Research Assistant

Ingmar Kallfass
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Institute Director