Microwave Analog Frontend Design - II

Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems

Advanced topics for the design of microwave and millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC).

The lecture Microwave Analog Frontend Design - II will be offered as weekly as a face-to-face course according to the currently valid hygiene concept of the University of Stuttgart. The lecture is simultaneously broadcast as a live online course on the Internet (hybrid event). A login for participation in the web conferences will be made available on ILIAS. The live event will be recorded and made available for download as video file via ILIAS. In addition to the recordings, all lecture material such as scripts, slides, exercises and standard solutions, as well as examples of former exams will be made available for download through ILIAS. 


Lecture: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Kallfass
Exercise: M.Sc. Benjamin Schoch

Course of studies

M.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (EIT), Universität Stuttgart

M.Sc. Electrical Engineering (EENG), Universität Stuttgart

M.Sc. Information Technology (INFOTECH), Universität Stuttgart

Date of Lecture Tuesday, 09:45 Uhr – 11:15 Uhr
Start: 19.10.2021
Date of Exercise Friday, 11:30 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr
Start: 05.11.2021
Language English

Lecture: V 57.06 and online via webex infos look at ILIAS

Exercise: infos look at ILIAS


Diese Vorlesung behandelt fortgeschrittene Themen beim Entwurf von analogen Sende- und Empfangsfrontends bei Mikro- und Millimeterwellenfrequenzen. WÄhrend sich der erste Teile der Vorlesungsreihe "Microwave Analog Frontend Design" auf den Entwurf der funktionalen Einzelstufen, liegt der Schwerpunkt des zweiten Teils auf Techniken der nichtlinearen Schaltungsanalyse, Designtechniken für die Massenfertigung, Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik von monolithisch integrierten Millimeterwellenschaltungen (MMIC), und Pegelplanrechungen für Anwendungen in der Funkkommunikation und bei Radar. Der Dozent behält sich das Recht vor, den Inhalt des Kurses ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu ändern.


Part 1: Nonlinear Circuit Analysis 
1. Nonlinear transistor modeling and time domain circuit analysis
2. Nonlinear frequency domain circuit analysis
3. Dynamic IV waveforms as circuit design tool

Part 2: Design for Manufacturing
1. Statistical Design: Monte Carlo, Yield, Sensitivity
2. Yield Centering
3. Stability Analysis

Part 3: Packaging, Mounting and Integration Techniques
1. EMC on Boards and Microsystems

Part 4: Link Budget Calculations
1. Communication Power Budget
2. Radar Power Budget
3. Atmospheric Attenuation

SWS 2 + 2
Exam oral


This image shows Benjamin Schoch

Benjamin Schoch


Research Assistant

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