Seminar Selected Topics on Power and Microwave Electronics

Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems

This course deals with current research topics in high data rate communications and wide-bandgap semiconductor technology (e.g. GaN, SiC) for power electronics and millimeterwave applications. In the guided self-study part, students deepen a selected topic of the lecture and prepare a scientific paper in the form of a conference paper and present it in a final presentation.

The topics for the course "Seminar Selected Topics on Power and Microwave Electronics" for the summer semester 2023 are now available on ILIAS. Log in and join the course to download the topics. The course will be offered on the regular date as a live online web conference with opportunities for instructor-student interaction and tutored self-study. A login to participate in the web conferences will be provided on ILIAS. In addition to the lecture recordings, all lecture notes as script and in slide form, the templates and supporting materials will be made available for download on ILIAS.

Vorlesung: Prof. Dr.Ing. Ingmar Kallfass
Tutor Laura Manoliu; Valentyna Afanasenko


Course of studies
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 
B.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering 
M.Sc. Information Technology
University of Stuttgart
Date of lecture Monday, 14:00 Uhr – 15:30 Uhr
Location of lecture Online (Webex) and in presence at University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 57, Raum PWR57 - V 57.04

Students acquire knowledge and experience on writing and presenting a scientific publication through the study and preparation of an individually chosen topic from among a given list of topics in the area of power and microwave electronics. 

Language Englisch

In the tutored self-study part students delve into an individually selected topic and prepare a scientific publication in the form of a conference paper and give an oral presentation of the paper. The self-study part is supplemented by lectures on scientific writing and presentation. During an intermediate review at about half-term students submit and present their paper draft and get feedback and a paper review from the tutor. After final submission the student gets a review on the final paper and presents the paper.

SWS 4 in the summer term
LP 6
Exam Examination (PL): submission of a scientific paper (approx.. 5 pages) and presentation (approx.. 30 min) on the seminar „Selected Topics on Power and Microwave Electronics“. Written report is in English. Final presentation can be in English or German.


Additional Information

In the Seminar given by Prof. Dr - Ingmar Kallfass in the Summer Semester 2018-2022, we have received several good papers. The proceedings can be found in the link below. We are looking forward to more good papers this year!

This image shows Laura  Manoliu

Laura Manoliu


Research Assistant

Valentyna Afanasenko


Research Assistant

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