Robust Power Semiconductor Systems

Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems

In power electronics, electrical highly dynamic switching of semiconductors meet the assembly and connection technology of real systems and their challenges with regard to thermal performance and robustness. Learn more in the course Robust Power Semiconductor Systems about the use of modern semiconductors in power electronics and gain first experiences in the thermal and electrical simulation of power electronic systems.

Lecture: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Kallfass
Exercise: M.Sc. Manuel Rueß


Important Information: Official communication channel is ILIAS. Students please register for this course in ILIAS to get the latest information here


Course of studies M.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Stuttgart
Date of lecture Monday, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Date of exercise Tuesday, 14:00 pm – 15:30 pm
Starting Date Monday, November 2nd
Location of lecture University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 9, Room V 9.32
Location of exercise University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 9, Room V 9.11
Description The lecture conveys a solid understanding of the use of modern semiconductor technologies in power electronic applications. Based on the relevant figures of merit of Si, GaN and SiC based power semiconductors, aspects of circuit design, mounting and packaging and reliability will be covered. An additional focus is on the current front of research and development in the area of robust power semiconductor systems.
  1. Introduction: applications of power semiconductors
  2. Si and Wide-Bandgap (GaN, SiC) based power devices
  3. Conversion efficiency and switching loss
  4. Characteristics and parameters of power semiconductors and their experimental evaluation.
  5. Thermal modelling and management.
  6. Reliability and lifetime of power electronic devices.
  7. Packaging and Integration.
  8. Trends in power semiconductor systems
SWS 2+2 in the winter term
Exam Written exam (120 min.). The exam takes place twice per year. In case of a low number of candidates, the exam can be oral in German or English; this will be announced at the onset of the lecture.
Further Information and News ILIAS


This image shows Manuel Rueß

Manuel Rueß


Research Assistant

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