Open6GHub is a scientific research initiative, which aims for a European contribution to future 6G-standards. The initiative is funded by the German BMBF. In this Project, ILH is developing and researching on ultrabroadband radio systems for backhaul applications in the Terahertz range.
In Germany there are four 6G Research Hubs in progress: 6GEM, 6G-life,6G-RIC and the Open6GHub. Zentral focus of the Initiative are future communication technologies and the installation of scientific research networks.
The Open6GHub has many project partners in the consortium: Uni Freiburg, DFKI, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer SIT, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam, KIT Karlsruhe, IHP, RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, TU Ilmenau, TU Kaiserslautern, Universität Bremen, Universität Duisburg-Essen and the University of Stuttgart.
The contents and research focus is divided in many different areas. Some research groups are focussing on 6G-network architecture, others on new communication concepts, programmable infrastructure and interconnected AI or many other state-of the art concepts. The ILH is working on point-to-point Terahertz communication links with extremely high bitrates.
For this purpose, new electronic THz-frontends with extremely high bandwidth are designed for the frequency range of 280 GHz to 320 GHz. The used MMIC technology is a InGaAs mHEMT-technology of the Fraunhofer IAF.Another key element of our contribution to the Open6GHub is the planning, installation and measurements on wireless outdoor radio links. In these experiments modulated data with high data rate should be transmitted over a distance of up to 1 km whilst the signal quality is evaluated. With this permanent running demonstrations also industrial partners as well as other research institutes should be able to conduct measurements with this experimental setup.
Lukas Gebert
M.Sc.Research Assistant
Simon Haußmann
M.Sc.Research Assistant