Student Thesis and HiWi jobs

Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems (ILH)

Here you will find an overview of our offered topics for bachelor, research and master thesis sorted by topics.
A complete overview can be found below.

Open student thesis

Title Type Field Supervisor
BA/FA/MA PE Aline Reck
BA/FA/MA PE Jeremy Nuzzo
BA/FA/MA PE Jeremy Nuzzo
Development of Temperature Controller for Optimization of SiC MOSFET-based Inverter over Selectable Target Variables FA/MA PE Swapnil Sunil Roge
Automatation of a Variable Inductive Load for Automated Calorimetric Measurements BA PE Ruben Schnitzler
Comparison of Different GaN-HEMTs Regarding their Dynamic ON-State Resistance BA PE Mathias Weiser
Development of a Unified Gate Driver Supply BA/FA/MA PE Mathias Weiser
Design and Evaluation of Integrated Power Detectors for THz-Communication Systems MA/FA HF Dominik Wrana
MMIC Design for Wireless THz-Communication Systems MA/FA HF Dominik Wrana
System-Level Engineering for Wireless THz-Communication Systems MA/FA HF Dominik Wrana
Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Antennas in Wireless Communication Systems BA/FA HF Dominik Wrana
Investigation and Implementation of an E-Band Duplex Link BA/FA HF Laura Manoliu
Multi-Domain and Multi-Goal Optimization of ultra-compact power converters FA/MA PE Dominik Koch
On the Applicability and Limitations of Modern 3D-Printing Techniques to Power Electronics FA/ST PE Ingmar Kallfass
On the Applicability and Limitations of Modern 3D-Printing Techniques to Power Electronics MA PE Ingmar Kallfass
Terahertz time domain reflectometry for error analysis of 3D integrated circuits MA/FA HF Ingmar Kallfass
Active EMI Concepts in Switched-Mode Power Converters MA PE Ingmar Kallfass
EM Simulation and Layout: Scaling, Verifying and Redesigning an E-band SIW-to-MMIC Transition and SIWHorn Antenna into the D-band MA HF Janis Wörmann



If you are interested in one of the topics from the table above, please contact the corresponding supervisor.

Own ideas for possible topics are welcome to be proposed. Current announcements and projects can serve as an inspiration. If interested, please contact a research assistant of the ILH to arrange an appointment for discussion.

MA = master thesis, FA = research project (Forschungsarbeit), BA = bachelor thesis, HiWi = student assistant
PE = power electronics, HF = high frequency electronics


This image shows Dominik Koch

Dominik Koch


Group Leader Power Electronics / Research Assistant

This image shows Benjamin Schoch

Benjamin Schoch


Research Assistant

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