Advanced mmW-Metrology

Advanced millimeter wave metrology enables high-precision measurements in frequency ranges up to the THz spectrum. Innovative calibration procedures, specialized measurement technology and improved algorithms create the basis for the characterization of components and systems with the highest accuracy. These advances open up new possibilities in the development of high-performance high-frequency and communication technologies.

Open student theses

In order to make use out of integrated circuits a sufficient packaging is needed. Especially for RF ICs the
 packaging is a crucial and challenging part of the overall design process. and system integration. While going up in frequency to achieve a higher data rate, sufficient RF packaging becoming more difficult and expensive. This thesis is about the investigation and design of possible RF packaging approaches for the WR 3.4 waveguide band (220-330 GHz). The packaging is done using the IGM thin film technology. Especially the transition between chip and carrier substrate and from substrate to waveguide have to be investigated.

Relevant Experience:

  • Basic understanding of RF engineering
  • Basic understandig of thinfilm technology
  • Expirience in Keysight ADS, Rfpro and Empro and CST are advantages


Lukas Gebert


This image shows Dominik Koch

Dominik Koch


Group Leader Power Electronics / Research Assistant

This image shows Benjamin Schoch

Benjamin Schoch


Research Assistant

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