Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
- Millimeterwellen-Systemanalyse
- Demonstration und Analyse von Echtzeit-Multi-Gigabit-Datenübertragung
- Digitale Datenverarbeitung und Datenakquisition
- Linkbudget-Analyse
- E/W-Band Satelliten-Bodenstationsentwurf, Steuerung und Betrieb
Auch auf Deutsch verfügbar und auch auf Nachfrage:
- Automatic Antenna Positioning Algorithms for Millimeter Wave Communication Systems
- Cross-polarization Effects in Broadband Wireless Communication Systems
- Real-time signal evaluation and correction with Xilinx MPSoC
- DC Board Entwurf (Design)
- Systemautomatisierung für das EIVE-T-Projekt (Systemsteuerung und Sensorauslesung)
- E-Band Link-Budget-Berechnung und Charakterisierung
Beteiligt am SUPER-Programm der Universität Stuttgart
- Performance analysis of fully integrated transmit and receive RF frontends used in ultra-high data rate wireless communication links
Seminar Selected Topics on Power and Microwave Electronics (Summer Semester)
Grundlagepraktikum (am ILH)
Beteiligt als Mentorin am TryScience Programm der Universität Stuttgart
- Projekt EIVE - Exploratory In-Orbit Verification of an E/W-Band Satellite Communication Link
- Projekt W-Cube - ESA W-Band CubeSat
- Projekt EIVE-T - Exploratory In-Orbit Verification of an E/W-Band Satellite Communication Link, Terrestrial Mission
- Atmospheric Effects on E-Band (71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz) duplex communication links
- Active antenna tracking for E/W band satellite transmissions
- EVM investigation and optimization for the on-board self-developed AWG implemented on the FPGA for a satellite mission
- FPGA implementation of an adaptive, real-time, energy-efficient data rate tuning algorithm
- FPGA implementation of energy-efficient real-time image compression algorithms (OPUS link: http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-12569)
- Analogue filters implementation for improving the EVM for the EIVE satellite mission
- Online, onboard data processing for high data rate communications systems applied in the EIVE satellite mission
- Strahlenschutzmechanismen für den Nutzdatencomputer der EIVE-Satellitenmission (OPUS link: http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-12495)
- Channel modeling and investigation of atmospheric effects on E-Band (71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz) communication links
- Entwicklung eines induktiven Heizsystems zur Temperaturregelung einer terrestrischen Antenne
- E-band long-distance outdoor wireless communication system: health monitoring & automation (internship)
- Digital Self-Interference Cancellation for Duplex Wireless Communication System using FPGA (OPUS link: http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13117 )
- Search Algorithms for the Ground Station Antenna of the EIVE Satellite (OPUS link: http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-13695)